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Beacon Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust

Welcome to our staff team at Beacon where we are Proud to serve the community and provide nurture for all our learners. Collaboration is at the heart of everything that we do.


One Team One Mission One Family 

Our Staff 

Senior Leadership Team

 Ms. Meekings - Headteacher

Mrs. Thomas- Deputy Headteacher

Mrs. Topping - Assistant Headteacher (SENDCO and DSL)

Class Teachers

EYFS - Mr. Dunn

Year 1 - Mrs. Thomas

Year 2 - Miss. Turner

Year 3. Miss. Hussain

Year 4. Miss. Biggs

Year 5. Mr.McGovern

Year 6. Mrs. Crawford

Children's Champion. Mrs Broxton (Deputy DSL)


Support Staff

Mrs. Turnbull 

Mrs. Franklin 

Miss. Crump 

Mrs. Campfield

Miss. Nicholson

Miss. Daly

Mrs. Murray

Mrs. Donaghy

Miss. Foulkes

Miss. McGrillen

Miss. Bradburn

Miss. Neath

Miss. Melvin 

Miss. Barlow 

Mrs. Whithead 

Non Teaching Support Staff

Miss.  Howcroft - School Office

Mr. Leaf - Caretaker 

Ms. Smallwood - Cleaner

Mrs. Farnworth - Cleaner